When God Just Confirms it All

Above: Ruben Moreno (Center), in Panama City, Panama prepares to execute trade agreements with two US companies. Steven Adams (Right), President & CEO of ICC Global Trade, LLC and Bob Horning (Left), President of Way Tea.

I’m just so blessed today to write a short excerpt from a recent experience I had in Panama City, Panama.

ICC Global Trade, LLC and it’s brand of specialty foods, Intercourse Canning Company, are two organizations I’ve been fortunate enough for God to have me steward for nearly 20 years. ICC Global Trade was more recently formed to do international distribution and sales of the ICC brand of jar good and specialty food products.

We just returned from Panama City where we announced our first international trade deal with a wonderful gentleman, Ruben Moreno. For months God has showed us, through a host of events and relationships built here in the US, that we were to take on this expansion to foreign markets. NOT just as a way to do business but to do business AS missions and contribute a portion of the profit to support the local community in-country.

After an exhausting but exhilarating week of touring Panama City and the surrounding areas with our hosts and business “partners”, Karen and Ruben Moreno, we executed an exclusive distributor agreement to export a large variety of jar goods and dip mixes to Panama.

All along we knew this was an important part of the journey my wife and I had been called. Especially after so many difficult years of God allowing the refiners fire form the clay of our lives for just a time as this.

After the press conference where I spoke, as did my partner, a native Panamanian women came up to me and simply said that she was praying for us in advance; although unaware of the circumstances she found herself in. Not really a part of the event she was moved to tears and in her broken English said how she saw Jesus in my countenance, spirit and the message that I delivered. She prophesied not only business success but confirmed our commitment to contribute a portion of all profits made in Panama through a trust to help widows, orphans, and the disenfranchised in any way God would call us.

I was equally moved to tears when God showed up and showed off this day and we gave Him all the credit. I love that. i wouldn’t want to live any other way.



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