What: The Bible is clear – in Colossians 1:28 Paul tells us, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” At Embracing Brokenness Ministries we’ve been commissioned to bring the message of healing to everyone in this broken world – To authentically bear witness to what God has done in our individual lives as an encouragement to believers who seek to learn more about what they were created for and more about the God who did the creating – To guide others in their healing journey where most believers get stifled – For believers to experience true intimacy with God the way He always intended. For unbelievers to consider another way – A way that they may not have been exposed to in the past, focused entirely on the love of Christ.
How: We accomplish this by supporting the needs of others directly through teaching, writing, speaking, podcasting, and resourcing them inside and outside of the ministry, and providing practical tools that encourage a more intimate relationship with Christ. One that delves deeper into the brokenness experienced in this life and how the deepest longing of our souls as humans can be met in a loving God who wants to walk and talk with us as He intended from the beginning. We deliver God’s message in person, on our website, blog, Spotify Podcasts, and other social media outlets including our YouTube Channel.
Who: Our desire is to walk alongside each person in our sphere of influence enabling them to go deeper into the journey toward freedom in Christ.
The challenge is to embrace the broken places in ourselves. The wounded and traumatized places where life-altering experiences occurred through the influence of others or through our own choices. Healing from those wounds comes only through a posture of intimacy with God. One that allows Jesus to step into those hurts and re-interpret life from His vantage point, calling out our true identity as Child of God.
Embracing Brokenness Ministries is an MCP of Capstone Legacy Foundation, a Section 501(c)(3) Christian Community Foundation, affording all who contribute to EBM the tax deductibility of their donations.