“What Kind of Man is This ….?”

“…that even winds and sea obey him?” If we ask that same question, we’ll start to see the bigger picture of who Jesus Christ really is.

In Matthew 8:23-27 we experience a unique moment with Jesus’ followers. His disciples are panicked. Imagine the wind – which had been funneled through a narrow gorge – pushing out over the sea of Galilee, making the water turbulent. Waves breaking over the bow of the ship; certain doom is imminent. The Greek word that’s used to describe this storm is seismos – from the root that gives us the phrase “seismic activity” for earthquakes. And there’s Jesus quietly and peacefully sleeping in the stern of the boat. Seemingly unfazed by the events. The disciples wake him in fear of losing their lives and everything they had hoped for. Jesus rebukes the waves and the wind and total peace comes over the water; instantly.

Can you even imagine that moment? I’d be asking that same question. What kind of man is this? Well my friends, he’s the same Jesus that wants to intersect our lives every day. When the cancer diagnosis comes, or we lose someone close to us, or we find out that layoffs are imminent and our future is uncertain. He’s that same JESUS that asks you to trust him, love him, and follow him. Directly into the storm at times. That doesn’t make sense, does it? Remember that Jesus said earlier, as Mark recorded it, “Let us go across to the other side” (ESV). Jesus knew the destination. The other side. It was a foregone conclusion. He also knew there would be turmoil and difficulties along the way. Storms of life that seem like they’ll have a fatal ending. But Jesus…… comes through. He also said “why are you afraid, oh you of little faith?’ I don’t think that was in a reprimanding voice; but a voice of love. Calling us to a higher understanding of Him. A new appreciation of the power of his love.

Hold firm to his promises. He will never leave you or forsake you. Be strong and of good courage. He cares for us even when we can’t care for ourselves. Ask yourselves. “What kind of man is this….?”



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