Occasionally I come across share-worthy wisdom from our like-minded ministry “partners”. Individuals or organizations that are aligned with the philosophy and core messaging of Embracing Brokenness Ministries. No exception today as I read Charles Stanley’s In Touch Devotional. May it not only bless you but challenge you to a different way of thinking.
Hebrews 11:23-29
Tucked into Hebrews 11 is a short phrase that indicated Moses’ approach to life: “for he endured, as seeing Him who is unseen” (Heb. 11:27). There was no shortage of uncertainty in Moses’ life. How could someone “slow of speech” address Pharaoh (Ex. 4:10)? How could a murderer become God’s chosen man? How would anyone lead the stiff-necked Israelites (Deut. 9:13 NIV)? And how would they cross the Red Sea, conquer Canaan, or survive 40 years in the desert?
Moses knew what the Lord expected of him, but he didn’t have supernatural vision into the future. So he couldn’t see the outcome of his obedient actions. The Israelite leader moved forward by faith—trusting in the Lord’s power to guide, protect, and overcome. Moses derived security solely from God, who consistently kept His promises.
Life hasn’t gotten more certain in the millennia since Moses led the Israelites to the Promised Land. Modern believers wonder about things, too. Will I ever marry? What if I lose my job? What happens to my kids if I pass away? How can I accomplish all I have to do? Thankfully, the source of security hasn’t changed in all that time. God is still the only certainty in this life. You can count on the One who is faithful, just, and loving (2 Timothy 2:13; Psalm 89:14; Eph. 2:4).
The lesson from Moses’ life is to cling tenaciously to the Lord. Even situations that look hopeless are cupped in God’s sovereign hand. Moreover, though the way looks dark and the road seems untraveled, He walks before us. Continue forward in confidence, as seeing Him who is unseen.
In Touch Devotional