The Daily Memo | September 3, 2020 | As It Was in the Garden

Most of us are painfully aware of how much crime, violence, sin, and deprivation exist in our world today.  Traveling back in time and through scripture, we’ve become familiar with a climatic paradise that apparently needed no rain because it was watered by a mist coming up from the ground (Genesis 2:6).  There were no storms or harmful natural occurrences like hurricane Laura that recently decimated the South.

Everything about God’s creation would have been perfect; “very good” in fact. The perfect temperature, the perfect humidity, without pests or diseases, and without anything that would detract from Adam and Eve’s enjoyment of knowing God in a perfect, undiluted way.  There was no shame or guilt in the Pre-Fall world, just blissful innocence.

They met and communed regularly with the Creator of the universe.  The fellowship they enjoyed with God was unhindered by anything (Genesis 2:25).

Imagine for a minute what this will be like for those of us that believe God, believe Jesus and have accepted His free gift of salvation. Oh my goodness. My wife reminds me regularly that her “mansion” will be on the water from her front porch and the animal kingdom coming to her from her back porch. I’ll be visiting regularly, especially for the oceanfront view.

Take a moment today and imagine what you’re home on the renewed earth will look like. The Bible tells us that HOPE is the anchor of our soul. We need a little hope, don’t you think?

And that’s the memo,




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