It was a week full of extremely bad news. One deadly overdose, three relapses to alcohol and drugs, and a friends toddler fighting to survive cancer. Life is so fragile and fraught with difficulties. This is not how it was supposed to be.
Jesus said “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV).
When I look around at the events taking place around the globe it’s hard to see how God has overcome the world. Clearly, He’s not going about it the way I would. I’d be turning politicians upside down and shaking the rhetoric out, replacing it with common sense. I’d swap violence for love. Yet, He is in complete control of all that’s happening around us.
Yes, Jesus does make a difference.
He makes a difference if we draw closer to Him and develop a deeper intimacy with Him. Understanding who God is helps develop our lens of love in a world gone mad. His traits are obvious but not seen as readily when a crisis hits. Why would He allow an 8-month-old little boy go through a year of chemo and cancer treatments with no clear positive outcomes? Why would a dear friend of mine relapse to alcohol after a lengthy period of sobriety? Why in the world would a pandemic be unleased on the entire planet? All very good questions.
The most difficult requirement for all Believers is to trust God’s sovereignty while also understanding the consequences of sin.
Jesus makes a difference when we believe and accept His unconditional love and join Him in our preordained purpose in life. To love Him and love others. Engaging in our own healing journey will provide a perspective rarely seen when our victimhood becomes life’s theme. As scripture reminds us, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, by Him or anyone else, including ourselves. Eternal life with Him will right all wrongs. His mercy and justice are not always aligned with our desires and perspective. Total trust in God is necessary this side of heaven.
If you haven’t turned your life over to Him do so today. Just ask for help. He’ll send it pronto. Jesus makes all the difference.
And that’s the memo.