Come Away With Me

Can you feel it?  Do you sense it?  Can you hear it?  In the midst of the cacophony that surrounds us…  In the midst of the pressure and business of daily life…  In the midst of the emotional upheaval and unrest of this season… Are you hearing God’s invitation?  Can you feel that deep, quiet, persistent knock on the door of your heart?

Come away with me. 

This beautiful, intimate, blessed invitation is extended to each and every one of us. It is a personal invitation from God himself, the one who formed you in your mother’s womb and who knows every detail of your past, present and future.  An invitation to know him, to spend time with him, to build a very real and very powerful relationship. It is an invitation to new life, to abundant life, to experience wholeness and to connect with his heart and his love and his immeasurable greatness.

Do your past or present circumstances seem like an obstacle?  Are you struggling right now with some things in your life that you think God disapproves of?  Do you think you are disqualified because of past mistakes?  Do you feel ashamed, or that he might reject you, or that you do not belong? I have great news – God extends the invitation AND provides the means to accept.  He removed every obstacle because he CREATED you to be with him.

Open up your heart and let me in. 

Jesus said “I stand at the door and knock.  If ANYONE hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.”  (Rev 3:20 NASB, emphasis added) Will you open the door?  Will you set aside some precious quiet moments to spend with him?  Will you allow him in, will you open your heart to him and let him into your innermost being?  Come to the door just as you are, there is no need to prep or to figure out what to wear, or what to bring.  He clothed you in righteousness, he took your filthy rags and gave you his magnificent robes, you do not need a thing.   He brings the meal, the food for your soul.  Come hungry, eat heartily, and you will be satisfied.  His food is in his word, in the scriptures.  His food is also in the things he speaks to your heart.   Come with an ear to hear and sit quietly and listen.   

I will give you rest. 

Bring any anxiety or fear or worry that you may be carrying, and lay all those burdens at his feet, and he will give you rest and peace.  The divine exchange that happens in God’s presence is miraculous.  It is no wonder that there is a raging battle in the spirit world for our attention and we are constantly distracted and bombarded with a thousand different reasons why we cannot find the time to spend in communion with God.  The last thing the enemy wants is for you to spend consistent time in God’s presence, because that is where this exchange takes place.  Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest (Mt 11:28 NASB).  Cast all your cares on him, because he cares for you (1 Pe 5:7).  Cast your burden upon the Lord and he will sustain you (Ps 55:22).   Scripture is full of references describing this exchange.  If you feel fractured and weary and pulled into pieces, there is no better place to be than tucked away in a quiet place with God, and “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Ph 4:7).

Taste and see that I am good. 

This divine exchange is not limited to issues of anxiety and peace of mind.  In God’s presence we are changed, period.  His presence is healing.  It is wholeness.  It is love.  It is instructive.  We learn who he is, and also who we are.   Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him (Ps 34:8 NIV).   Taste and see – it is like a divine dare.  DO IT.  Taste of his goodness and know that he is the safest place in the universe.  And in his presence you will find all that your soul needs and you will not remain the same!  It is like a God transfusion, you leave more like him every time.  More of his heart.  More of his character.  You will begin to see with his eyes.  You will have more of his wisdom. His goal, after all, is for you to be more like Jesus.  Accept God’s invitation today.  Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Blessings friends, Michael



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