It’s easy to trust God when life is pleasant. In difficult times, though, it can be challenging. Yet that’s exactly what God tells us to do: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you” (Psalm 50:15).
We can trust the Lord for several reasons. One is because of His love for us. We see it clearly demonstrated through the Father’s character, Jesus’ atoning death, and our adoption as a child of God.
Another reason we can rely on Him is His infinite wisdom (Rom. 11:33). He always knows what is best for us. We don’t understand all that goes into God’s plan—compared to the full, clear view He has of our life, we see just part of the picture. So, what He chooses for us may not always make sense.
We can also depend on God because He is sovereign. Remember that our Father can accomplish whatever He—in His wisdom and love—chooses to do. He is in complete control of all things; even Satan must get His permission before taking action (Job 1:9-12).
We understandably don’t like adversity and may feel tempted to ask, “Why, Lord?” Yet by recognizing that God acts in love, wisdom, and sovereignty, we can know that He’s permitted the situation and has our long-term best in mind. So we can replace “Why?” with gratitude and trust.
And that’s the memo by Charles Stanley
From InTouch Daily Devotional