Tomorrow I will be attending the funeral of the most significant individual to ever have come into my life. Better said she brought me into this life. Mom recently celebrated her 100th birthday. It was a great day. Not a day she would have ever predicted seeing. We called her the “energizer bunny”. She kept going and going.
Always the one in her personal care home with a smile and a word of encouragement for someone that needed it. She made certain that all birthday cards were signed by every resident and presented at a meal on the big day for each and every one of them. A true ambassador for Jesus.
Everyone that met her loved her and by the time her 100th year rolled around no one could believe it – she didn’t look a day over 80.
Mom has been looking forward to heaven since she was 90 when Dad went to be with the Lord. For reasons that are more obvious now than ever, God had other ideas.
Today I simply want to honor my Mother. She prayed for a baby she didn’t believe would ever arrive and reminded me often that when that prayer was answered she’d dedicate me to God and the purposes He had for my life. Well Mom, bravo. You did it. I and many others that you touched stand as a testimony of a Godly legacy that will impact many on this earth and through eternity. Her granddaughter, my daughter, included.
You will be missed but not for long. You’re now in the loving arms of Jesus where all who believe will be joining you very soon. Love you Mom.
And that’s my memo today.