The Daily Memo | November 2, 2021 | God is Never Late

Seven years have passed and the predicted famine is here just as Joseph said. This drought wasn’t localized to Egypt, other nations in the region were suffering as well. Word got out Egypt had grain, so everyone was clamoring to buy from them.

Back in the land of Canaan, Jacob and his sons are hungry and getting desperate. Most likely their crops had suffered as well. Jacob tells his sons to go buy some food from the Egyptians before it’s too late.  The famine must have been pretty bad because he sent ten of the brothers to get the grain.  Notice, however, he didn’t allow Benjamin to go. Jacob seems to still be playing favorites, even 20 years later.

Don’t you love that God directs Joseph’s brothers right to him? What are the odds of this small group of Hebrew shepherds would be sent to buy food from their long-lost brother whom they betrayed?

Friend, when it’s time for your wait to end, God will be the one who orchestrates it in His perfect timing, not a day beforehand. After all, you don’t want to get ahead of God and miss His very best. When God accomplishes it, He will receive all of the glory, not you!  And isn’t that how you want it to be?

And that’s the memo.



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