The Daily Memo | December 31, 2021 | Intimacy with God

It’s far too easy to become busy for God—serving, singing, teaching, preaching, and going to the mission field. None of these things are wrong; in fact, they’re all good. But they’re often a misguided attempt to create intimacy with God.

Why would believers choose artificial closeness with the Lord when He wants to give His children the real thing? One reason is that being known by God requires intense vulnerability and the humility to receive His grace. After all, there is nothing we can do to atone for our sins. Another reason is that all successful relationships—including the one we have with God—require hard work.

At some point, we have to stop doing for the Lord so that we can enjoy being with Him. That’s where intimacy starts. When we read the Bible and fill our mind with godly things, we can know and abide by our Father’s principles. A vibrant prayer life is also essential to intimacy with God. But these things don’t just happen—they require intentional effort.

When we live in intimate communion with God, the temptation to strive for saintliness in our own strength falls away. And then our service, offerings, and worship will genuinely glorify God.

And that’s the memo.

By InTouch Ministries



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