The Daily Memo | May 18, 2022 | Lacking Nothing

Many people today may appear fine on the outside, but if we could look beneath the surface, we’d see otherwise—places in their souls they’ve tried to fill with worldly success, possessions, or popularity. But the truth is, those things will never satisfy. Only God can give us genuine fulfillment and peace. (See John 6:35; Phil. 4:6-7.)

Now, this doesn’t mean that life will always be perfect or ordered just to our liking. In fact, Jesus told us that in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33), but if we are in Him, we’ll experience a sense of wholeness that can never be taken away. We may still want other things, but because we are complete in Christ, those desires won’t exert such a strong pull on us. Whether they come our way or not, we can remain truly satisfied with the One who calls us His beloved children (1 John 3:1). We can rest in the sufficiency of His love and the joy of life in Him.

Think about it. Do you feel any lack within yourself? How have you tried to fill it over the years? Have you still been left wanting?

And that’s the memo.

By InTouch Ministries



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