The Daily Memo | August 10, 2022 | Avoiding Foolish Choices

Most people don’t set out to sabotage their future, yet it can happen anyway because of their own ignorance, rebellion, or blatant disregard for God and His Word. The course of one’s entire life can be derailed by foolish errors in judgment, and future consequences can be disastrous.

As Christians, we have God’s Word and His Spirit to guard and guide us, but that doesn’t make us immune to poor choices, especially in times of weakness. We’re more likely to make unwise decisions when extremely hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. Let these conditions—and the acrostic H-A-L-T—signal to us that it’s time to pause and evaluate our decision-making.

Impatience and strong desires can also lead us astray and blind us to potential consequences. That’s why we must learn to make decisions by using a long-term perspective instead of focusing on what is immediately in front of us.

As you look back over your life, do you see choices made in times of weakness or impatience that have led to negative outcomes? Even when a need seems urgent, it’s best to slow down and carefully consider your steps so you can be satisfied with the course ahead. 

And that’s the memo.

By InTouch Ministries



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“I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom