Embracing Brokenness 2023 | An Invitation to Support God’s Ministry

As a crowd and self-funded ministry Embracing Brokenness counts on the generosity of donors and grantors to spread the message that God gave us around the globe.

What is that message?

Simply put, we are a teaching ministry that engages people locally, regionally, and throughout the world with the gospel of healing in Jesus Christ. We teach groups and individuals wanting to go deeper into their transformational journey with God how to further live into their true self-identity in Him. We do so in the mission world, to the prison population and countless people who listen or read online through social media or our soon-to-launch Embracing Brokenness Ministries App.

What’s coming in 2023?

  1. We will be publishing the long-awaited book Embracing Brokenness.
  2. In January a new EBM app will be available to download from our developer, Subsplash, giving our allies the ability to engage directly with our message through video, podcasts, blogs, Daily Memos, events, and even live streams once activated – all in one place.
  3. We hope to bring our Identity Matters curriculum online and through social media once recorded and made available for free to subscribers.

Please prayerfully consider making EBM part of your year-end giving through the link provided.

Blessings to you all and Merry, merry Christmas as we collectively celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Steve and Colleen Adams



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