The Daily Memo | February 20, 2023 | Never Too Far Gone


I’m a few days into a Bible Reading Plan on the YouVersion app authored by Sheila Walsh. She remarks in one of the 7 days of the devotional: “Can you imagine a world without guilt, shame, or regret? We know this is too good to be true in the world we live in. But this is exactly what Adam and Eve experienced.”

It is hard to imagine, but what a delightful thought it is. Then sin entered the story and we all hid behind our fig leaves. Guilt, shame, and regret have become commonplace ever since. “Most of us feel let down by life. Abuse, oppression, disease, the harmful acts of others, and our own poor choices mark our life stories. We’re terrified that deep down, we’re not okay because the awful truth is: we aren’t. Something of that original sin still flows in our veins.”

We are not okay, but the good news is that we don’t have to be. God is not surprised by our brokenness any more than he is surprised when the sun rises in the morning. His plans are not ruined when we mess up or when tragedy strikes. No matter what happened or what you have done, you are never too far gone for God to redeem your story. Every time we fall, fumble to stand, fall again—Jesus is right here with us, helping and guiding. 

God doesn’t look for perfection in us, He sees that in Christ. All God looks for is the willingness to take His outstretched hand and try again. 

And that’s the Memo.




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God Our Deliverer

“I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom