The Daily Memo | February 28, 2023 | The Sanctity of Life


According to a recent Gallup Poll, for the first time in over 20 years, there’s a spike in Americans wanting to see abortion laws less restrictive in the U.S. Many of the abortion and SCOTUS-related trends have taken sharp turns since the demise of the Roe v. Wade decision was foreshadowed in Texas.

That says a lot about the “enemy’s” ability to turn the tide of thinking around subjects that were once sacrosanct in American culture. In fact, you’ll find countries around the world where abortion is still strictly prohibited, but very few.

There are a host of other disturbing trends around the globe that signal a depraved indifference to not only the sanctity of life but the simplest rules that civil society requires to survive. If you look at the causes behind the fall of the Roman Empire, it was largely blamed at its origin on the demise of the traditional family unit, while others blame it on the rise of Christianity. I guess it depends on your perspective and perception.

One thing we can all agree on, as Christ followers, is the sanctity of human life and our role as image bearers is at the core of our faith. That role requires us to carry God’s love to others, no matter what their belief. Judgment is not up to us. The fruit of the Spirit is love. All other fruit can’t possibly stand on their own without love.

Look around. Divisiveness and disunity on the simplest to the most complex issues are what’s driving the enemy’s agenda. We live in a fallen world that needs Jesus. Let’s spread the love, in whatever way God calls us.

And that’s the Memo.




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