The Daily Memo | March 30, 2023 | Always Be Generous


Generosity is a beautiful characteristic in people. We love and admire generosity.

How do you think of God? Do you think of him as a little bit mean or tight-fisted? Or do you think of him as extraordinarily generous?

God’s generosity is seen in the natural world. For example, there are over 25,000 varieties of orchids. The orchid is just one of 270,000 species of flowers. God does not do things by halves. In our galaxy there are over 100 billion stars like our sun. Our galaxy is one of over 100 billion galaxies. It is thought that for every grain of sand there are a million stars.

In a throwaway line in Genesis, the writer tells us, ‘He also made the stars’ (Genesis 1:16). God is extraordinarily, extravagantly generous.

David speaks of God’s ‘… river of delights’ (Psalm 36:8b). He ‘gives generously to all’ (James 1:5). If God is so generous to us, we also should ‘always be generous’.

And that’s the Memo. Steve



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“I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom