The Daily Memo | April 11, 2023 | A New Reality

A mentor of mine just released a book entitled Sentient Strategy – How to Create Market-Dominating Strategies in Turbulent Economies. In it he states that we are facing a “new reality”, and that reality is the need for agile strategic decisions and pragmatic views of the future. If you’re paying attention at all, you realize the world’s business and economies have been turned on their heads subsequent to COVID and the implications are significant.

That new reality is significant in a different way in my own personal journey. With Colleen, at God’s behest leaving the Mission where she served faithfully for nearly 12 years, we are faced with the new reality of how to bring the gospel of healing to a broken world. That will happen through Embracing Brokenness Ministries with her partnering right alongside of me, but in a much different way.

Sounds simple, right? Not really.

In our own humanity we see things through self-guided lenses and our time together will be much more intensive. It’ll require being nimble with a sentient (personal and ministry self-awareness) strategy moving forward. But…. God must be part of that process. He IS the process. The idea is to shorten the time frame for planning the specific strategies (not tactics) to reach the world with the message God’s given us. To be able to shift and pivot (my favorite post-pandemic word) as needed with God and with the Holy Spirits guidance.

That should be true in each of our lives. There needs to be self-awareness (God awareness) in our strategic movement in life and ministry. We need to be willing to hear from God and respond in ways that may seem risky or uncertain to each of us. We must be listening to God with a greater intensity.

All believers are in ministry, whether it’s on mission or in the marketplace, we all have been commissioned by God to share His love with all those He sends our way.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your sentient strategy of life, family, and faith. He won’t let you down.

And that’s the Memo.




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“I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom