The Daily Memo | April 13, 2023 | Hazard Reported Ahead

I use WAZE, on my iPhone, to navigate the road ahead any time I leave town. With a large army of fans, it provides real-time traffic updates with fun and imaginative voice prompts. My latest prompter is Christina Aguilera. My favorite warning is, “Hazard reported ahead, life is full of obstacles it’s how we overcome them that matters”.

It seems like hazards in life are an everyday occurrence. Some are physical, some are emotional, many are spiritual.

It’s hard to imagine going through life apart from Jesus. He provides the daily road map for living, provided we surrender to His GPS. His GPS never leads us to a place by mistake and is always on time.

See what I did there?

It’s true, I am so thankful for the times I strayed off course and He’s gently, and sometimes not so gently, steered me back in the proper direction. It may not have seemed to be so at the time, but later proved to be exactly the road I needed to travel.

My prayer for you is that you’ll surrender the wheel to Jesus. That you’ll depend on our perfect Navigator in life’s hazards and the warfare that comes from an enemy that hates us.

He will guarantee safe arrival, not only in this world but for eternity to come.

And that’s the Memo. Steve



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