The Daily Memo | May 31, 2023 | There Will Always Be A Dog To Blame

As I was scurrying around this morning in preparation to take Tucker (our Golden) to the groomers, I quickly saw that I was running out of bandwidth to leave on time. In fact, I was already late. The reason is rooted in my innate desire to get all the boxes checked on my to-do list before proceeding to the next. Tucker knows that.

When I arrived at Joy’s Salty Dog, I immediately announced that Tucker overslept; he was to blame for our tardiness. I got a couple chuckles from the groomers, and all was well. I felt bad for pointing my finger at the dog and admitted I had one more thing to finish at my desk.

Why are we so obsessed with hurry and checklists? At least, I am.

Jesus was never in a hurry. I doubt he blamed the donkey in the corral, if even the disciples got off schedule. He had no home to speak of. He made himself available to those in need at just the right time and in just the right way. Even more importantly He made himself available to His Father on a regular basis and petitioned Him in every imaginable way. In quiet time, in healing moments, under stress, and even at His death.

I’ll leave you with this open-ended question.

Why not us?

And that’s the Memo.                                




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“I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom