Moses needed to know three things. To truly offer ourselves to the Lord with complete commitment, we also need the answers to these key questions:
1. Who is God? In Exodus 3, God used a burning bush to get Moses’ attention and then introduced Himself as the God of his forefathers (vv. 2, 6). God reiterated His identity four times in this short passage. He knew that Moses couldn’t take even the first step of faith until he knew the One with whom he was speaking. Likewise, we cannot wholly give ourselves over to God until we first come to know Him in Jesus Christ.
2. Who am I? Once Moses knew who God was, his next question established a sharp contrast: OK, I know who You are, but who am I? (v. 11). Isn’t it wonderful that the Lord answered Moses’ question with a promise? In verse 12, He essentially replied, I will tell you who you are—you are the one whom I am with.
3. Why am I here? My friend, there is only one reason why we are alive today: Passages like Matthew 5:16, Romans 15:5-6, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, and 1 Peter 2:12 make it perfectly clear that our job is to bring glory and honor to God by the way we live, the way we speak, and the way we love.
Knowing these truths will renew and reenergize your commitment to the Lord. Have you settled them in your heart and mind?
And that’s the memo.
By InTouch Ministries