Even when their path winds through the dark valley of tears, they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. (Psalm 84:6 – The Passion Translation)
Lord, thank you for allowing me to go through the difficult seasons. There was a time in my life when I never thought I would say those words, but now I look back and see how glorious those dark times really were.
In the midst of my deepest pain, I learned how immediate and tangible your presence can be. You pour out such tender love and comfort when I need you the most. Had I not gone through those moments, seeking you in the midst of them, I would not have known the beauty of your consolation.
When my whole world is falling apart, you come as a loving Father and hold me in your arms. With whispers of hope, you always strengthen me. You remind me of your promises and your never failing truth. You reach into my deepest pain and heal it with your love.
Though I don’t enjoy the seasons of sorrow, I’m so grateful for the many things I’ve learned. I praise you for being present with me and manifesting your love so faithfully.
And that’s the memo.
By Our Friend Daniel in Kenya