God’s Lavish Gifts

One scorching day in June, I set off for an intake with a new chiropractor scheduled for two hours. I will not get into the details, but the meeting was a disaster and I left after 30 minutes. On my way home, I got stuck in traffic at a local Amish farm holding an auction to benefit Haiti. Between the tourists in our area, and now even slower traffic from the auction, I was annoyed, to say the least. And this is when I usually realize I should be grateful for such 1st world problems and ask God to forgive me for my ungrateful heart. And I started to pray and give God gratitude for the many blessings he pours out on us each day. It was then that I heard a small voice inside say “I have a gift for you, stop at the auction”. I was sure I made it up in my head, so I kept driving until I was past the farm. And then I heard the voice again. I quickly flipped my car around and went to the auction.

If you know me, you know I LOVE flowers. By this late date, I had already planted all that I needed (and more) and did not plan to spend anymore. But I usually have some wish list items in the back of my head. So, when the announcer said, “flower auction starting in 10 minutes in tent 2”, I decided to go and observe. But first, I checked out the trailers full of flowers and realized there were even rose bushes, David Austin to be exact, the best the rose world has to offer.  

To give you a little background, I have an 8-foot cross in my large English garden in my backyard (a gift made by a dear friend and his sons out of barn wood). I wanted a beautiful climbing rose to wind around the cross. Most of what I like is in the $100-plus range, so I planned to wait for an end-of-year close-out to find something more affordable on a missionary budget.

I sat with some other flower enthusiasts near the front row and decided to forgo getting a paddle number as I did not want to be tempted to buy a bunch of flowers I did not need. The flowers were going for such a cheap price I was shocked. And then came the nudge again, register for a paddle. Asking someone to save my seat, I rushed off to register.

I got back just in time for the roses, and much to my surprise there were climbing roses mixed in. The 1st one went for $90, totally out of my range, but it was perfect and beautiful. Minutes later came another, going for close to $100, as did the next 4. Then came the last climber, with all brown leaves and roses that had never been deadheaded. The caller started the bidding at $50 but had no takers. Within seconds it seemed, he was down to $2. A paddle went up in front of me, followed by a $3 ask, and my paddle went up. Having no one to challenge me, the rose bush was mine for a mere $3. As they carried my prize over, I got the craziest looks from the flower connoisseurs in the audience. After all, who buys a dead rose? Most would not have taken it for free.

As I sat through the rest of the auction, I worked all the dead leaves and dead rose buds off the plant. Wrapped around the trellis, was a beautiful, thick, very green vine. You see roses are so resilient. As long as the “bones are good” as the saying goes, you have something to work with. As I drove home, I could not stop thanking God for slowing me down and hugely blessing me. Steve and I were even laughing as I told him the story and the fact that the name of the rose, was fourth of July (its blooms look like little fireworks), our anniversary. Even our rose bush will celebrate one of the best days of our lives!

I love the book of Isaiah. So much richness in who our God is and how we can trust him. A scripture I do not hear often is Isaiah 1:19-20.  “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken”. 

Our God is a lavish gift giver. The riches he gives meet the deepest longings of our hearts and are catered to the unique personalities that he created. I always thank him for my “God Kisses” as if he had me in mind when he formed that beautiful July 4th climbing rose and could not wait to give it to me. He is such a good God. And there are rewards for obedience. Just read the scriptures. They are rich with his promises.

May Shalom reign in you this week!




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