How many of you have worked for a boss who was a micromanager? Raise your hand. You are not alone, trust me. We all have at some point in our career. At times, it feels like a support group would be helpful; a place where we can express our frustration and concerns.
Like in most places in our everyday lives, good communication is essential in quality relationships. Micromanagers, however, struggle with quality communication. As an example, they tend to discourage independent thinking and decision-making or constantly ask for continuous updates on daily workflow. We all can see how discouraging and ineffective that is.
One of the keys to great communication ~ simple consideration. The book of Proverbs tells us “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Proverbs 12:18) It is the one who shows wisdom whose words yield edification and restoration.
Whether in the workplace, family or marriage; value communication. As we Focus on Jesus, we share our words that will uplift one another; not tear them down!
And that’s the mid-week memo.
By Our Friend and Ally John Scott