Do you remember that moment when God spoke to you? You felt His presence like never before. He called you; as if He spoke your name with a megaphone! For some, that is how God worked in our lives. He knocked on that door of our hearts, ready to change our lives forever!
That was absolutely true for me. In my case, I was a teenager. I remember back to that moment like it just happened. I was attending summer camp sponsored by our church. One day, during prayer, I felt that “calling.” It was so clear to me. It was as if all the world and time stopped.
As I spent time with a counselor, praying and making the decision to commit my life to Christ, I was given the passage from Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
To this day, it is still my favorite scripture. No matter what I face in life, trusting God is always the foundation where I can stand safely. In everything, I am always reminded to keep my trust in the Lord. Trust is not always easy. Our humanity can get lost in panic, worry and fear. Proverbs reminds us to submit all things to Him and know, with confidence, that He will make a way!
Focus On Jesus ~ when we struggle, when we’re In pain, when we can’t see a path forward. He loves you and you can bring all your cares to Him. Trust Him to lead and guide you. You can fully trust The Father to carry you through!
And that’s the mid-week memo.
By Our Friend and Ally John Scott