The Daily Memo | October 31, 2023 | The Choice is Ours

God makes Himself known to everyone but lets us decide whether to pursue a relationship with Him. Unfortunately, those who don’t choose God ultimately end up feeling restless and empty. And the reason is because He has “set eternity in [our] heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

By God’s design, true satisfaction is found only in a relationship with Him. Without the Lord, people continuously seek new ways to temporarily fill their hearts. And that quest often leads them to pursue unworthy idols: status, money, happiness, health, achievement, knowledge, or something else.

In his letter to the church at Rome, Paul described the phenomenon this way: “For they exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever” (1 verse 25). Wouldn’t you rather serve truth than falsehood? Wouldn’t you rather serve the Creator, who is blessed forever, rather than the creature?

Scripture says that “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32) and “in [the Creator’s] presence is fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11). We can choose a mediocre, unfulfilling life without the Lord, or we can have a rich and satisfying relationship with Him. It’s never too late to change your mind.

And that’s the memo.

By InTouch Ministries



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