Embracing Brokenness Ministries (EBM) is a teaching, discipling, and equipping ministry committed to fulfilling God’s greatest commandment to love Him and love others by bringing the gospel of healing in Christ to a broken world. To lead and support those willing to step forward into exploration and understanding of who God is and who they are. To guide those who engage in this mission through a journey of discovery toward God’s divine purpose of reproducing His image throughout the world.
EBM is a teaching ministry and “triage center” focused on fighting the mass exodus from the American church and a Biblical Worldview. In a 2023 study by George Barna , only 4% of American Christians have a biblical worldview—down from 6% in 2021. Our ministry is answering the call to join with like-minded ministries who are moving upstream to address some of the issues that could easily spell the “extinction” of biblical beliefs in our nation.
Although EBM works with all people, the ministry is committed to ensuring that those on the margins: the poor, the broken-hearted, the captive and the prisoner (Isaiah 61) have access to all our resources without cost.
A specific focus of EBM is to see broken lives restored from the consequences of the Fall described in Genesis 3. Since the most devastating consequences have been relational, our teaching materials are organized around four key areas. Relationally, man fell from:
Jesus’ sacrifice paid the price for us to be fully restored in all these areas and to become restorers–reconcilers ourselves, bringing the full gospel to a world in desperate need. We are committing to exposing the enemy’s lies of a very small gospel that does not allow us to fulfill the greatest commandments–love God, love others, and by implication love self.
Through our teaching, we help to explore areas of life where false beliefs about God – which often lead to false views of self and others – hinder spiritual formation. In addressing personal brokenness we can fulfill the greatest commandments: to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind and to love others as ourselves. That is accomplished through helping position others to receive true healing, which can only come through Jesus.
The challenge is to embrace the broken places in ourselves. The wounded and traumatized places where life-altering experiences occurred. Perhaps through the influence of others or through our own choices. Healing from those wounds comes only through a posture of intimacy with God. One that allows Jesus to step into those hurts and re-interpret life from His vantage point, calling out our true identity as Child of God.
Our Commitment is