Find God Where He Lives – An Excerpt from “Love & War” – John & Stasi Eldredge

Now—to find God, I have to look where God is. This might help folks who report that God “seems distant,” or as a friend recently commented (with a touch of cynicism), “He doesn’t seem to come around much.” If I want to find a hawk I look up in the sky, near the mountains where the thermals create an updraft. If I want to find our dog I simply have to find Stasi—he is usually curled up at her feet. Those who would find God must look where he lives—must live in the same manner, for the same things, for the same reasons. “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16).

Every time we choose to love, we take a step closer to God; it’s like he’s right there. Every time we choose something else, we take a step away.

I want God, so I choose love.



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