Now five months into the worst pandemic we’ve seen in a hundred years – add a couple of months of daily protest with a few riots thrown in – many of us are asking “what happened to the good ‘ole days?” We remember when the biggest issue to deal with when we got up was what color socks to put on – or what was for dinner? Oh, how we long for better days, just like olden times.
But wait……………. Is that really the truth?
Sometimes we just need to see what God thinks. Through Solomon, here’s a direct quote. “Don’t always be asking, ‘Where are the good old days?’ Wise folks don’t ask questions like that.” (Ecclesiastes 7:10 MSG)
Really? Wise folks don’t ask questions like that? Why not?
Let’s look at Israel for example. Remember all of the grumblings in the desert after the greatest deliverance in human history? Complaining that they had it better back in Egypt. Are you kidding me? The good ‘ole days when they barely had enough to eat and made bricks all day. Whipped into hard labor from dusk to dawn. Their kids being thrown into the Nile River.
We have a selective memory. When we run into hard times we only remember the so-called good things. There’s no wisdom in that.
Before we got saved we stuffed our lives with all sorts of dysfunctional behaviors. You know, the good ‘ole days of drugs, alcohol, sex, and all that “fun” stuff. Really? We’re saved now and going to heaven. How is that not better?
Yes, it’s tough to live in these times. BUT – carpe diem. Seize the day. See what God has for you in this season. Suffering and unpleasantries? Maybe, but we still get to go through it with Jesus. It’s not permanent. It’ll end someday. Every season of life is unique with its own sorrow and heartache but also it’s own blessings.
Today is the good ‘ole day. Be present and be thankful. In the not too distant future, we get to experience eternity with Him.
And that’s the memo.