The Daily Memo | May 18, 2021 | The Importance of Right Motives

Goliath was a daunting enemy of Israel, and a strong incentive was offered to anyone who could kill the giant: money, exemption from taxes, and marriage to King Saul’s daughter. Though these rewards would intrigue any young man, David was not foolhardy. The young shepherd had a different motivation for standing against Goliath: He wanted to serve the Lord.

And so David called out, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he has dared to defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:26). To him, a challenge to God’s chosen nation of Israel was the same as defying the Lord Himself. David was prepared to defend Yahweh’s holy name and His people, even against this formidable warrior.

It is possible for believers to seek victory with wrong motives. In fact, many reasons that sound good are actually selfish. For example, I’m tired of being in this mess, or Lord, I can’t run away, so You’ll have to remove this problem, or even, If I had more money, then I’d give more to the church. At the end of the day, the right motive is a desire to follow, serve, and honor God.

Life’s “Goliaths” happen to us all, and they can either impede or strengthen our walk with the Lord. As He did with David, God will give victory to those who stand strong in His name.

And that’s the memo.

Charles Stanley and InTouch Ministries



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