Imagine for a moment a doorway or entrance to a cozy luxury waterfront hut in the Caribbean. Or a mountainside retreat with and grand staircase inside the entrance to a wide-open floorplan and two fireplaces flanking the sides. Wow. Regardless of the image, it symbolizes opportunity.
God offers us a life full of opportunity and one well worth living. Sometimes though, it means trusting Him and venturing into the unknown. When we encounter such a door we need not be afraid but enter with confidence, knowing our Lord is involved and has a plan for us once we’re on the other side. (Jer. 29:11) He Himself goes before us and prepares the way.
Keep an eye peeled in 2022 for the doors of opportunity that God puts in front of you. Remember, they may not be where you expect – He has a way of using least likely people and situations. Listen for Him to direct you. Commit to living with your heart and spiritual eyes wide open. Expect great things through Him and in His Kingdom and your domain.
And that’s the memo.