The Daily Memo | April 8, 2022 | Looking Beyond Disappointment

Disappointment is an emotional response to dashed hopes, goals, and desires. Sometimes it’s the result of circumstances beyond our control, but when others are involved, it’s easy to blame them for the situation. We might even lose faith in the person we think let us down.

Martha and Mary could relate. The gospel of John tells us that Jesus loved Martha, her sister Mary, and their brother Lazarus (John 11:5). Because of this, they expected He would come immediately after learning that Lazarus was sick. But Jesus didn’t come until after Lazarus had died.

We’re often like Martha and Mary. We pray for God to intervene in a situation the way that we desire. But if He doesn’t, we’re confused and disappointed in Him. Now, maybe we don’t voice these feelings, but we’ve all felt let down.

The Lord has higher purposes than we can perceive. Don’t let your disappointment shape your view of God. Instead, rely on what you know to be true about Him—that His love for you never fails, and He orchestrates all the events in your life for His glory and your ultimate good. When you’re feeling disappointed, the best response is simply to trust Him.

And that’s the memo.

By InTouch Ministries



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