The Daily Memo | July 12, 2022 | What Is Asked of Us?

The man possessed by many demons asked Jesus, “Why are You interfering with me?” You know the answer. It’s the same one He has for you. Because He loved him. And He loves you. 

If we are to find healing and true joy, we need to lean into His interference. And to do that, we must first ask ourselves the question, what part of our lives is He interfering with? Think about it. Picture Jesus approaching you with searching eyes that look straight into your soul, and ask Him, “Where are You interfering? Where am I resisting?” 

If you’re struggling with finding the answers to these questions, try thinking about it this way: Where do you ache? Where do you hurt? Where do you feel conflicted? What are you longing for? What have you been called to that has felt thwarted? Where have you felt diminished? 

It’s important that we recognize and name what we have been living with—and under. That we hold our lives before God and ask for His revelation of where we need a deep and true repentance. Perhaps the place where fear has taken hold. Or shame. Shame over the way we feel or how we’re living, or shame over our past mistakes and our present ones. Whatever it is inside our hearts that needs a work of God, Jesus has come and is coming even now to get to that part of you. He’s coming for the places you have tried, for a multitude of reasons, to bury. He is coming to prompt you into knowing that your true identity and your value as a person come from your position in His heart as His beloved child. And He is interfering with your life so that you will live it more fully with and in Him. But first we must let Him in. 

And that’s the memo.

By Stasi Eldredge from Defiant Joy



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