The Daily Memo | August 29, 2022 | A Work In Progress

First thing in the morning I scan emails and read a few inbox devotionals, always Jesus Calling. This morning I had to stop and consider just how profound this paragraph is for all believers in Jesus Christ.

As if to quote Jesus, Sarah Young said this, “I am pleased with you, My child. Though you are still a work in progress, you desire for Me to sanctify you—to make you holy. . . . However, as long as you live in this world, you inhabit the not yet of brokenness—in you and all around you. This explains the emptiness you often feel as you long for both your perfection in holiness and your perfect home in heaven.”

The not yet of brokenness in you and all around you. Never a truer word has been spoken. I’m seriously contemplating tuning out all so-called news and social media opinions about the news. It’s just not helpful. Recognizing our not yet of brokenness is the first act toward recovery – recovery of our hearts. Let’s face it, we were not made for this world.

Another email from my lovely wife encouraged me to watch a video based on research funded in part by the NIH. This Might Hurt is a mind-body documentary that offers solutions to recovery from chronic pain. The film follows three chronic pain patients who have spent years searching for answers. Desperate for relief, they enter a new medical program — run by Dr. Howard Schubiner — that focuses on uncovering hidden causes of pain and retraining their brains to switch the pain off. Many of those causes are rooted in traumatic experiences.

A fascinating subject if you are intrigued by advances in neuroscience and understanding how the brain works and is created to deal with stress, trauma, and other outside forces that may contribute to many disorders.

Again, brokenness in you and all around you.

Here’s the good news, – we are a work in progress, being sanctified and formed daily to be more like Christ. Although wholeness or full holiness is not achievable this side of heaven, the time is coming for Jesus’ return. The time when the emptiness we feel and the brokenness we’ve experienced will be fully healed. No more sorrow, no more tears, just the perfection God intended from day one when he created us in His image – to reflect His glory and live in perfect harmony with Him and our fellow man.

A finished work.

And that’s the memo.

Steve Adams



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