The Daily Memo | May 10, 2023 | I Wanna Meet Cleopas

Did you ever think about who you’d like to meet in Heaven, other than Jesus? Some of the characters in the Bible will be fascinating to hang out with and grab a cup of coffee, even though I don’t drink coffee.

Imagine sitting down with Noah to ask how he wrangled all the animals and got them on the ark before it started raining. Or Moses to share what it was like walking through the Red Sea on dry land. Then there’s Joseph, and David, and Peter, and Paul, and John.

But there’s one guy with whom I’d like to have a conversation. His name is Cleopas. Do you know who that is? Here’s a reminder.

“That same day two of them were walking to the village Emmaus, about seven miles out of Jerusalem. They were deep in conversation, going over all these things that had happened. In the middle of their talk and questions, Jesus came up and walked along with them. But they were not able to recognize who he was. He asked, ‘What’s this you’re discussing so intently as you walk along?’ They just stood there, long-faced, like they had lost their best friend. Then one of them, his name was Cleopas, said, ‘Are you the only one in Jerusalem who hasn’t heard what’s happened during the last few days?’ Then he started at the beginning, with the Books of Moses, and went on through all the Prophets, pointing out everything in the Scriptures that referred to him.” (Luke 24:13-23; 27 The Message)

The greatest Bible Study of all time took place on the road to Emmaus. I wanna know what it was like to meet the resurrected King, sharing scripture from His perspective. Telling all that was prophesied about Him and what was yet to come. Wow.

How about you? Who are you looking forward to meeting face to face in eternity future?

And that’s the Memo.




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