The Daily Memo | May 11, 2023 | Spiritual Formation

It is a stark reality, isn’t it? Whether intentionally or unintentionally—and “even if we deny it”— our spirits have been formed by a lifetime of experiences, choices, and interactions. We have become a certain type of person. In many cases, the influences of this world have shaped our personality and character without our direct forethought or intention, in ways that leave us broken, wilting, and in desperate need of transformation into Christ’s image.

The journey toward Christlikeness requires acknowledging the ways we have been previously formed, conditioned, and “conformed to this world.” This path of Christian Spiritual Formation requires us to follow—from the heart—the standard of Christ, embracing transformation through surrendering our will and desires in favor of his. It is on this path of surrender that we discover God’s will and God’s goodness. This is the path of the easy yoke, the light burden, and the tree with good fruit. It is the best possible kind of life, made available through Christ and the power of his Spirit.

And that’s the Memo.



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God Our Deliverer

“I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom