Join Us in Praying or Donating Through The Faithful Give – Mark Your Calendars

Embracing Brokenness Ministries is participating in FaithfulGive on October 15-17. Lancaster now has a secure, online, momentum-building, community giving opportunity that aligns with Christian values. Giving is a demonstration of joy and a conduit for sharing God’s blessing with others. Look for volunteer opportunities, prayer requests, and mission-aligned organizations! Mark your calendars to stretch your gift and help us earn great cash prizes at

Plan now to give generously October 15-17 during FaithfulGive! Your donation will help us qualify for prizes and earn more of the stretch pool that increases your gift.

Find ways you can donate time and skills and discover prayer requests for faith-based ministries like ours. Visit



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In a recent Gallup poll, when asked about the overall state of moral values today, only 15% of Americans see moral values in the U.S.