The Daily Memo | August 21, 2020 | All You Need Is Love

I was a youngster entering my second decade on the planet when this Beatles classic was first released. During a time of extreme unrest in the country, “All You Need is Love” was adopted as the unofficial anthem of the Flower Power Movement.  This widespread movement was rooted in opposition to the Vietnam War.

“There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done, Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung” The Beatles, July 1967.

Later criticized for its simplistic message, the song was seen as a uniting rally call for a divided country.

Sound familiar?

What will today’s rally cry look like? The answer to that question is not immediately obvious. I saw a disturbing video this morning of a man in Portland being dragged from his truck and beaten unconscious by a mob of clearly disturbed individuals during a so-called “peaceful protest”. It was an act of pure evil. What would motivate anyone to senselessly attack another human being with such disdain other than the evilest of evil ones, Satan and his minions?

We live in a world at war. Not the Vietnam war or its 2020 equivalent but one that’s unseen. The enemy is surely prowling around like a lion looking for anyone to devour. What we do have in common with 1967 is the need for Love to win. Imagine what politics, business, faith, and freedom would resemble if LOVE were at the center. A self-sacrificing, others-centered love.

As I’ve prayed over this country, it’s people, and the role of the friends of Jesus our required response has become clear to me. As believers, it’s our commitment to loving others. Our actions in doing so show up in a plethora of ways.

God is in our tomorrows. He’s in our todays. We must develop an intimacy with Him that will allow us to understand what He’s calling us into during this moment in time.

All we need is love.

And that’s the memo loving God,




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“I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom