Do you ever look at your circumstances and see no possible way the Lord could bring something good from them? What benefit could come from illness, unemployment, a broken family, or other difficulties? While we can’t always understand what God is doing, there is one thing we can do—trust Him to use our situation for His own glorious purposes.
Although Paul’s imprisonment may have seemed like the end of his ministry opportunities, God actually used it to further the gospel. Not only was the apostle able to reach Roman guards, but his incarceration also inspired others to preach boldly, whether from good motives or bad. And in facing the threat of a death sentence, Paul recognized that, whether in his execution or in the continuation of life, it was yet another chance to glorify the Lord.
Paul’s responses prove it is possible in every circumstance to live in a manner that exalts Jesus Christ. And the same Holy Spirit who helped the apostle will help any willing believer today. When we view life from God’s perspective, every hardship becomes an opportunity to trust His good purpose, fully depend on Him, and respond in a manner that glorifies and exalts Christ.
And that’s the memo from In Touch Ministries.
*InTouch Daily Devotional August 19, 2020*